The Scout’s Commitment
The Boy Scouts of America is open to any boy age 11 through 17 (age 10 with Arrow of Light award from Cub Scouts and approval of the Scoutmaster). Being a Boy Scout carries with it certain responsibilities: to the troop, it’s leaders, and the other scouts within the troop, and to himself. When you are a Scout, you are a member of a team…several teams actually: the patrol, the troop, the Boy Scouts of America, and World Brotherhood of Scouting. A team cannot function and succeed unless each member is there, supporting his team and doing his best.
For its part, the troop committee agrees to provide trained adult leaders, an active program of weekly meetings, monthly outings, and advancement program, fundraising events, and leadership opportunity.
As a member of Boy Scout Troop 486, each Scout is expected to be active in meetings, outings and activities. He is expected to call his patrol leader in advance if he knows he cannot make a meeting or activity. He is expected to wear the Boy Scout uniform correctly to all troop functions. In addition, each Scout is expected to bring his Boy Scout Handbook and a pen or pencil to each meeting.
Finally, the boys within the troop have established their own Rules of Conduct, which all Scouts in the troop are expected to be familiar with and abide by.