Eagle Rank
The Board of Review for the Eagle Rank is different from the other Boards of Review in which the Scout has participated. The members of the Board of Review are not all from his Troop Committee. Introductions are essential, and a few “break in” questions may be appropriate.
At this point, the goal is to understand the Scout’s full Scouting experience, and how others can have similar meaningful Scouting experiences. Scouting principles and goals should be central to the Scout’s life; look for evidence of this.
Although this is the final rank, this is not the end of the Scouting trail; “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle”. Explore how this Eagle Scout will continue with Scouting activities, and continued service to his home, church, and community.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 30 – 50 minutes.
Sample Questions:
- What would you suggest adding to the Scout Law (a thirteenth point)? Why?
- What one point could be removed from the Scout Law? Why?
- Why is it important to learn how to tie knots, and lash together poles and logs?
- What is the difference between a “Hollywood hero” and a real hero?
- Can you give me an example of someone who is a hero to you? (A real person, not a character in a book or movie.)
- Why do you think that the Family Life merit badge was recently added to the list of required merit badges?
- What camping experience have you had, that you wish every Scout could have?
- Have you been to Philmont or a National (International) Jamboree? What was your most memorable experience there?
- What is the role of the Senior Patrol Leader at a troop meeting (campout, summer camp)?
- If you could change one thing to improve Scouting, what would you change?
- What do you believe our society expects from an Eagle Scout?
- The charge to the Eagle requires that you give back to Scouting more than Scouting has given to you. How do you propose to do that?
- As an Eagle Scout, what can you personally do to improve your unit?
- What will you be doing in your unit, after receiving your Eagle Rank?
- Tell us how you selected your Eagle Service Project.
- From your Eagle Service Project, what did you learn about managing or leading people? What are the qualities of a good leader?
- What part of your Eagle Service Project was the most challenging? Why?
- If you were to manage another project similar to your Eagle Service Project, what would you do differently to make the project better or easier?
- What are your future plans (high school, college, trade school, military, career, etc.)?
- Tell us about your family (parents, siblings, etc.). How do you help out at home?
- What do you think is the single biggest issue facing Scouting in the future?
- How do your friends outside of Scouting react when they learn that you are a Boy Scout?
- How do you think they will react when they learn that you have become an Eagle Scout?
- Why do you think that belief in God (a supreme being) is part of the Scouting requirements?
- How do you know when a Scout is “active” in his unit?
- You have been in Scouting for many years; sum up all of those experiences in one word. Why?
- What one thing have you gained from your Scoutmaster’s conferences over the years?
- How does an Eagle Scout continue to show Scout Spirit?
- If the Scout is a member of the Order of the Arrow:
- What does OA membership mean to you? How does OA help Scouting and your unit?
- Who brought Scouting from England to the United States? [Answer: William D. Boyce]
- [Traditional last questions] Why should this Board of Review approve your request for the Eagle Rank? Or Why should you be an Eagle Scout?