1st Class Rank
By this point the Scout should be comfortable with the Board of Review process.
The Scout should be praised for his accomplishment in achieving 1st Class (particularly if he joined Boy Scouts less than a year ago). In achieving the rank of 1st Class, the Scout should feel an additional sense of responsibility to the troop and to his patrol.
The 1st Class rank will produce additional opportunities for the Scout (Order of the Arrow, leadership, etc.).
Merit badges will begin to play a role in future advancement to the Star and Life ranks. Encourage merit badge work if it has not already begun.
The approximate time for this Board of Review should be 20 minutes.
Sample Questions:
- On average, how many Troop meetings do you attend each month?
- What part of Troop meetings is most rewarding to you?
- What is the Scout Slogan? What does it mean for a 1st Class Scout?
- Tell us about your last campout with the Troop. Where did you go? How did you help with meal preparation? Did you have a good time? (If “No”, why not?)
- If you were in charge of planning and preparing a dinner for your next campout, what would you select?
- As a 1st Class Scout, what do you think the Star, Life, and Eagle Scouts will expect from you on an outing?
- Does your family do any camping? What have you learned in Scouts, that you have been able to share with your family to improve their camping experiences?
- Why do you think that swimming is emphasized in Scouting?
- Why is it important for you to know how to transport a person who has a broken leg?
- Why is it important for you to be able to recognize local plant life?
- What did you learn about using a compass while completing the orienteering requirement?
- What does it mean to say, “A Scout is Courteous”?
- Why are merit badges a part of Scouting?
- How frequently do you attend religious services? Does your whole family attend?
- What is your most favorite part of Scouting? Least favorite?
- How does a Scout fulfill his “Duty to Country”?
- How do you define “Scout Spirit”?
- What is the Order of the Arrow? What is the primary function of OA?
- Who was Lord Baden-Powell?
- When do you think you might be ready for Star Scout?